Electronic Pain Relief Devices For Natural Pain Relief

Stimulation from electronic pain relief devices for natural pain relief can directly block the transmission of pain signals to nerves. The exact process of electrical stimulation’s benefits hasn’t really been pinpointed.

Additionally, electrical stimulation also promotes the release by the body of the naturally-produced painkillers known as endorphins. Different electrotherapy devices for this kind of stimulation include:

  • TENS also known as Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation.
  • GS also known as Galvanic Stimulation.
  • IFC also known as Interferential Current.


320px-TensA [easyazon_link keywords=”TENS device” locale=”US” tag=”mhpages-20″]TENS device[/easyazon_link] is basically a small machine to relieve back pain used to treat several painful conditions. It is about the size of a cigarette pack or a small, pocked-sized transistor radio and costs anywhere between $250 and $700.

TENS units enable users to adjust the intensity of the stimulation and some of them allow users to select either low or high frequency of stimulation of <10Hz or between 60 and 200 Hz.

Stimulation obtained from a TENS unit on high frequency may be tolerable for a few hours but the pain relief lasts shorter than the treatment. The stimulation provided by TENS on low frequency, on the other, is tolerable only between 20 and 30 minutes but can be more uncomfortable; the resultant relief, however, lasts longer. These conditions have led TENS users to experiment with different placements of electrodes.


Considered to be the most useful back pain relief machine when it comes to treatment of acute injuries. GS applies direct current (DC) stimulation, unlike TENS or IFC units, to the swelling or bleeding in cases of major trauma of the tissues. The DC creates a kind of electrical field over areas being treated which can change blood flow with positive and negative pads.

GS involves application of pulsed electric current on painful or injured body tissues in order to stimulate contractions of the muscles. The positive pad used by GS acts like ice to cause reduced blood circulation to the areas under the pad to decrease swelling. The GS negative pad, on the other hand, applies heat to the same areas to cause an increase in circulation and speed up healing.


IFC is basically a higher kind of TENS. This device is modulated by a carrier waveform with a frequency as high as 4000 Hz that can also be produced by a TENS device. This waveform penetrates skin deeper than the average TENS device but with less discomfort for its chosen stimulation level. This waveform results in a signal deep underneath the skin resembling the signal sent by a TENS device under the skin.

Common Features of TENS, GS, and IFC Devices

Each of the devices mentioned may be considered a back pain machine for sciatica as well. Although not technically back pain per se, sciatic pain radiates on the sciatic nerve’s path and goes down from the lower back through the hips and buttocks to each leg. It occurs when a bone spur on the spine or herniated disk compresses a part of the sciatic nerve and causes pain, some numbness, and inflammation in the leg.

All three devices apply stimulation to muscles and nerve with electricity using adhesive pads which are placed on the patient’s skin. They are battery-powered, with some featuring adapters that allow power supply from outlets. And although side effects have been reported, these were rare occurrences of allergic irritations under the pads or transient pain experience from application of electrical charge.

What to Avoid When Using Pain Relief Devices

There are a few things to avoid, however, when using any of these devices. One of them is never to place the pads over a patient’s heart or a pacemaker because it could cause cardiac arrhythmia. The pads should not be placed over the patient’s throat either as it may lead to hypotension or low blood pressure resulting in a heart attack or stroke. Additionally, these pads should also not be used on:

  • Pregnant women since it could result in damage to fetal development.
  • Open wounds or areas already with skin irritation because of lower impedance as well as lower sensation than skin that is intact.
  • Patients who have been diagnosed with malignant conditions; electrical stimulation can enhance further tissue growth and lead them to metastasize.

Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) and Oscillation Therapy

KyrobakAnother electronic device for back pain relief called [easyazon_link identifier=”B00QMUCWNA” locale=”US” tag=”mhpages-20″]Kyrobak[/easyazon_link] has introduced the Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) as a treatment. Similar to, but not quite like, undergoing chiropractic sessions, Kyrobak can help relieve cases of lower back pain and sciatica. Kyrobak has a compact design that allows you to use it on any kind of flat surface such as a couch, the floor or your bed.

Kyrobak is user-friendly. All you have to do is plug it in, position yourself on the device, and activate the power button.

Kyrobak will then deliver its patented CPM and Oscillation Therapy to gently massage your pelvic area to result in relief for your back pain. Does kyrobak work for lower back aches when sitting? Apparently not, because according to instructions, you have to be lying down for the treatment to yield results.

For your treatment to be successful, you have to use Kyrobak for at least ten minutes every day according to the physiotherapists who tested it. Wear clothing to cover the lower back and set up your treatment in an area near a power outlet where you have sufficient and comfortable space to lie down. You can put the device on a mat or rug if you choose to do your treatment on the floor.

Kyrobak may be one of the best electronic pain relief devices for natural pain relief on the market today. If you think this device can work for you, check out the official Kyrobak website for further information on how to order, FAQs including troubleshooting and maintenance of the device, testimonials, and the free “Lifestyle Change for Relief” book that comes with every purchase of a Kyrobak device, among others.

Read more about how this back pain device works along with more Kyrobak reviews in our detailed analysis.